A plucky outfit of sellswords.
Unfortunately they do not sell any swords, but smear paint or pixels in return for shiny coins. Which is much less cool.
Supposedly you can only join Wavemen Studio if you are loud at parties or are named Berend.
Nick is the mayor of Pinata Isle. He is also it's greatest artist. Lauded for winning the coveted Golden Pineapple award six times in a row (curiously, the award has only been given out five times).
Nick is also known for acts of bravado and derring-do. Most notouriously stealing the eye of Chton the cyclops. Though it grants Nick incredible powers, the Eyeless Cyclops creeps ever closer.
Nick is the founding member of WAVEMEN STUDIO, and certainly more handsome than Berend.
The brains of the outfit. Writes more than he paints. Paints more than he talks. Real fun at parties.
Berend wishes wholeheartedly that it was stil medieval times so he could copy manuscripts all day (and draw winged dicks in the margins) like a true monk. Wise man.
Perhaps we should all be a bit more like Berend.
Mongoose Publishing
Uhrwerk Verlag
Crafty Games
13 Verlag
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