Imagine deep and dark woods. Older than anything or any place. The air is thick with pollen and rot. The silence is overwhelming.
This is where the Baba Yaga resides, who is even older than the woods.
The process of concepting or conceptart can be a difficult thing to convey, because so much of it is transient. Most ideas, sketches and paintings are thrown out. Some drawings are embarrasingly bad in execution or just not nice to look at. This page shows just this proces of becoming, warts and all (pun very much intended).
Baba Yaga will be a heavily illustrated novel, that's a retelling of "Vasilissa the Beautiful" one of the many tales that feature Baba Yaga.
This page is updated at least once every month until the completion of the project somewhere in Q3 2025. Its really is a labour of love that we do inbetween other project. Check the link below for the most recent design doc.
copyright Nick Egberts
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